Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Elixir for Organization-AMC Management

Organizations used to have a secret sauce which gave them an advantage over others. Today, the scenario is different. In the age of communication, it is not difficult but impossible to hide what you are doing.

Now when there is very differential, it is of paramount importance to do the business efficiently so that enough value is created for all stakeholders.

Efficiently doesn’t mean that doing the job at lowest cost possible but getting the work done at optimum cost without compromising on quality and without exposing the organization to undue risk.
AMC management is an ever existing, industry agnostic area, every organization deals in.
Organizations, be it any industry, purchase a lot of capex equipment every year and these have to be maintained to support business operations with limited/permissible down time.
A simple example would be an AC running in offices, or generators for power back up. We will find plenty of equipment that run to make business run.
Higher lead time or in other words higher down time exposes the organizations to a huge risk. Operations can come to complete halt and strategic customer can be lost within a span of few seconds.
That is how critical it is to maintain all critical equipment.

From procurement perspective, AMC is a recurring cost which mostly increases with time and something in which business doesn’t want to take any risk.
Be it introduction of new AMC partner, shifting from non-comprehensive AMC to comprehensive (There can be different type AMC services which are discussed in a another of this blog), changing the SLAs so on and so forth, all expose organizations to some amount of risk.
Procurement needs to work in such a manner that business is delivered as expected and right cost is paid for it.

AMC management has different parts to it. It is to do with managing inventory of all assets (which is dynamic in nature), it is to do with tracking warranty dates, it is do with having updated partner details and maintaining the record of all maintenance activities, TTR (time to repair), records of downtime, performance records so on and so forth.
In this article, I would like to focus on the concept of Poka Yoke in AMC. To ensure that all activities pertaining to AMC are done effectively with no or significantly lower scope of failure.
The objective is to ensure that AMCs are renewed on time so that AMC partner can provide continuous support and at right cost.  If AMCs are not renewed on time, it may lead to exorbitant reinstatement charges as well.

Elixir for organizations when it comes to AMC management: AMC Management software and its effective usage.

Who are the OEMs of well-designed/developed AMC software are covered in another article.
AMC management system shall capture inventory of all assets, will send auto triggers to concerned stakeholders on nearing the warranty/AMC end date, shall capture the partners who are doing it with the cost and performance which will come in handy while selecting suppliers for next cycle. It will provide a single window exhibiting when the asset was purchased, from whom, what is the warranty period, which issues were faced and resolved, what is the cost trend, is the product obsolete (out of sales/support) so many other important information which is useful for buyers as well as business users.
It provides a systematic and scientific approach to deal with AMCs.
It can provide a much needed visibility and most importantly an edge on efficiency which does a long way in running the business the way it should be.

Process changes one can do to save on AMC cost is covered in another article on this blog.

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